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Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Introduction To Histology Video Series By Shotgun

Introduction to the Shotgun Histology series

Slide Index A and B

Index A
a Aorta ,systic
b medial degenerationbLarge Artery
c Medium Artery and Vein
d Adrenal
E Aorta

BaHistopathology Brain --Acute pyogenic (bacterial) meningitis
Bb Bladder
Bc Blood vessels--Buergers disease
Bd Blood Smear
Be Bone, vertebrae--Osteomyelitis and chondritis
Bf Bone--Paget disease
Bg Bone marrow -- adenocarcinoma, metastatic
Bh Bone --Rickets
Bi Ryan Partridge is Bad to the Bone
Bj Bone Marrow
Bk Bone Marrow Smear
Bl Dense Bone
Bmground Bone
Bn Spongy Bone
Bo Brain --Mucormycosis meningoencephalitis
Bp Brain--Paresis (syphilis)
Bq Brain, cerebrum--Cryptococcosis (PAS stain)
Br Brain--Adrenoleukodystrophy
Bs Brain--Viral encephalitis
Bt Brain --Contusion
Bv Brain, pons--Arteriovenous malformation
Bw Brain--Arteriovenous malformation
Bx Brain--Gumma of syphilis
By Brain--Rabies
Bz Histology Brain
Bza Breast--Epithelial hyperplasia
Bzb Histology Active Breast
Bzc Breast --Foreign body reaction
Bzd Histology Inactive Breast


Slide Index C

Ca== Hyaline Cartilage
Cb== Elastic CartilageCcFibro-CartilageCd== Cervix--CandidaCe ==Cervix--Trichomonas
Cf==Cervix- - Squamous cell carcinoma
Cg==Cervix--Bacterial vaginosis
Ch==Cervix- -Squamous cell carcinoma
Ci==CervixC ==Colon, r
Cj==Rectum –Schistosomiasis
Ck== Colon--Bacillary dysentery
Cl ==Colon--Diverticulum
Cm== Colon--Ischemic enterocolitis
Cn== Colon--Ischemic enterocolitis
Co== Colon, esophagus --Candidiasis
Cp== Histology Colon
Cq== Corpus Luteum

Slide Index E

A Inner Ear 1
B Inner Ear 2
C EpiglottisC
E Esophagus F
F Eye - -Retinoblastoma
G Eye

Slide Index INDEX F,G, H,I

A =Fallopian tube--Chronic salpingitis
B=Fallopian Tube
C =Gallbladder--Chronic cholecystitis
D =Gall Bladder
E =Gastric FundusF =Gastro-Duodenal JunctionG =Gastro-Esophageal Junction
H =Gut--Actinomycosis diverticulitis, abscess
I =Heart Purkinje Fibers
J =Heart , kidney --Malignant hypertension
K= Heart --Coxsackie B2 myocarditis
L= Heart, aortic valve --Bacterial endocarditis
M= Heart, liver--Glycogen storage disease
N= Heart--Diphtheria
O= Heart -- Recent infarct
P= Aorta Elastic Stain
Q =Heart Endo Peri Epi
R= Histology Aorta
S =Histology Heart


Slide Index I and K

A=Intestine--Meconium obstruction with necrosis
B=Small Intestine Ileum
C=Small Intestine Ileum
D=Small Intestine Jejunum
E=Small intestine-- Crohn disease
F=Small intestine, ileum--Strongyloides enteritis
G=Small intestine, ileum--Typhoid ulcer
H=Kidney--Adult polycystic disease
J=Kidney --Acute tubular necrosis from ethylene glycol
K=Kidney--Chronic glomerulonephritis
L=Kidney--Rapidly progressive glomerulonephritisM=Kidney

Slide Index L

Index L
A Shotgun Histology Lingual Tonsil
B Histopathology Liver--Alpha-1-antitrypsin deficiency
C Histopathology Liver--Centrilobular necrosis from chloroform
D Histopathology Liver--Chronic active hepatitis, cirrhosis
E Histopathology Liver--Congenital cytomegalovirus disease
F Histopathology Liver--Erythroblastosis fetalis
G Histopathology Liver--Hepatitis, yellow fever virus
H Histopathology Liver--Normal
I Histopathology Liver--Traumatic hemorrhage
J Histopathology Liver--Wilson disease
K Histopathology Liver-- Alcoholic liver disease
L Histopathology Liver--Cardiac sclerosis (cardiac cirrhosis)
M Histology Liver
N Liver Kupffer Cells
O Histology Liver Reticulin Fibers
P Histopathology Lung -- Squamous cell carcinoma
Q Histopathology Lung (view 1), bone (view 2),liver (view 3) -- Small cell carcinoma with metastases
R Histopathology Lung-- Adenocarcinoma
S Histopathology Lung --Alveolar proteinosis
T Histopathology Lung --Interstitial pneumonia
U Histopathology Lung --Lobar pneumonia
V Histopathology Lung --Silicosis
W Histopathology Lung --Tuberculosis
X Histopathology Lung --Tuberculosis
Y Histopathology Lung, bronchus --Cryptosporidium
Z Histopathology Lung, lymph node -- Asthma
Za Histopathology Lung--Aspiration pneumonia, infant
Zb Histopathology Lung--Blastomycosis
Zc Histopathology Lung--Bronchiectasis
Zd Histopathology Lung--Desquamative interstitial pneumonia
Ze Histopathology Lung--Diffuse alveolar damage (adult respiratory distress syndrome-hyaline membranes)
Zf Histopathology Lung--Emphysema
Zg Histopathology Lung--Goodpasture syndrome, pulmonary hemorrhage and fibrosis
Zh Histopathology Lung--Hyaline membrane disease
Zi Histopathology Lung--Measles pneumonia
Zj Histopathology Lung--Pneumocystis pneumonia
Zk Histopathology Lung--Silicosis
Zl Histopathology Lung -- Aspiration pneumonia
Zm Histopathology Lung--Aspergillosis
Zn Histology Lung
Zo Histopathology Lymph node -- Anthracosis
Zp Histopathology Lymph node -- Follicular hyperplasia
Zq Histopathology Lymph node -- Metastatic undifferentiated large cell carcinoma
Zr Histopathology Lymph node --Lymphocyte depleted lymph node, AIDS
Zs Histopathology Lymph node --Mycobacterium avium-intracellulare complex (MAC)
Zt Histopathology Lymph node --Tuberculosis
Zu Histopathology Lymph node--Acute Lymphadenitis
Zv Histopathology Lymph node--Toxoplasmosis
Zw Histopathology Lymph node--Tularemia
Zx Histopathology Lymph node -- Adenocarcinoma, metastatic to lymph node
Zy Shotgun Histology Lymph Node
Zz Shotgun Histology Lymph Node Reticulin Fibers

Slide Index M -- N---O

AHistopathology Skeletal muscle -- Muscular dystrophy
B Skeletal muscle --Trichinosis
C Histopathology Skeletal muscle, spinal cord-- Poliomyelitis
D Histopathology Skeletal muscle, spinal cord--Poliomyelitis
E Histology Three Muscle Types
F Histopathology Muscle, skeletal--Muscular dystrophy
G Histopathology Skeletal muscle--Trichinosis
H Shotgun Histology Adipose Tissue
I Dense Regular Connective Tissue
J Sachin Kale Leiomyomas
KHistology Areolar Connective Tissue
LHistology Endochondral Ossification


Index N
A Nerve--Ganglioneuroma
B Shotgun Histology NerveC Shotgun Histology Neurovascular Bundle
D Histopathology Intestine--Meconium obstruction with necrosisE Histology Sympathetic GanglionF Histology Nasal Cavity


OAHistology Ovary
OB Ovary- -Polycystic ovarian disease (Stein-Leventhal syndrome)
OC Ovary-corpus albicans--Normal-corpus albicans
OD Ovary--Normal-corpus luteum

Slide Index P to R and S

Index P to R
A Pancreas -- Cystic fibrosis
B Pancreas --Type 2 Diabetes mellitus
C Pancreas--Cystic fibrosisD Pancreas - - Adenocarcinoma
E Histology Pancreas
F Histology Parotid Gland
G Histology Parathyroid
H Histology Penis
I Histopathology Pharynx--Streptococcal tonsillitis
J Histology Pharyngeal Tonsil
K Histology Pituitary
L Placenta--Implantation siteM Histology PlacentaN Prostate--Acute prostatitisO Histology Proliferative Endometrium
P Histology ProstateQ Histology Recto-Anal Junction



Index S
A Shotgun Histology Secretory Endometrium
B Histology Seminal Vesicles
C Histology Submandibular Gland
D Histopathology Skin--Lichen sclerosus et atrophicus
E Histopathology Skin -- Dry gangrene
F Histopathology Skin -- Furuncle (abscess)
G Histopathology Skin --Gunshot wound
H Histopathology Skin --Tatoo
I Histopathology Skin, lip--Verruca vulgaris
J Histopathology Skin--Acne
KHistopathology Skin--Carbuncle
L Skin--Cellular Blue Nevus
M Skin--Compound Clarks nevus (dysplastic nevus)
N Skin--Compound nevus with halo reaction
O Skin--Epidermolysis bullousa
P Skin--Epulis
Q Histopathology Skin--Erysipelas
R Skin--Erythema multiforme
S Skin--Herpes
T Skin--Lentiginous junctional nevus, hypermelanotic
U Skin--Molluscum contagiosum
V Skin--Tuberculoid leprosy
W Skin--Varicella (chicken pox)
X Skin--Lamellar ichthyosis
Y Skin--Parapsoriasis
Z Skin, lip--Basal cell carcinoma
S1 Histology Epididymis
S2 Skin Appendages
S3 Histology Thick Skin
S4 Histology Thin Skin
S5 Spinal cord --Subacute combined degeneration of pernicious anemia
S6 Spinal cord--Multiple sclerosis
S7 Spleen--Hereditary spherocytosis
S8 Spleen--Sickle cell disease
S9 Histology Spleen
S10 Histology Spleen
S11 istology Spinal Cord
S12 Stomach--Adenocarcinoma
S13 Stomach--Adenocarcinoma (linitis plastica)
S14 Stomach--Tuberculosis
S15 Histology Sublingual Gland

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